Ana Kane - Curriculum Vitae

Solo Exhibitions

2017 Upcoming. The Jung Center, Houston, TX. USA, Floating Woman
2015 Saqqara by Foster & Partners, San Pedro G.G. Mex, 1/4
2014 Centro Cultural Plaza Fatima, San Pedro G.G. Mex, Entre Otomí
2010/11 El Centenario Museum of History of San Pedro G.G. Mex, La Búsqueda Awards
2013 Honorable mention: Arte AC/Tecnológico de Mty. Soporte Papel Premio
2009 Winner of: Cuarta Muestra of El Norte; Grupo Reforma. Mexican Newspaper

Private Collections

2011Ser vs. Tener y Visión 1: Mayor & art collector: Mauricio Fernández
2011Sola en blanco: El Centenario Museum of History of San Pedro
2009The Red Pearl: El Norte, Grupo Reforma Mexican Newspaper

Group Exhibitions

2014 TEC/Arte A.C. University, Salón de Noviembre, Monterrey
2014 Pinacoteca de Nuevo León, Tribute to Pedro Friedeberg, Monterrey Mex.
2014 Franz Mayer Museum, Tribute to Pedro Friedeberg, Mexico City
2014 Centro Cultural Plaza Fatima, San Pedro Garza García, Taller 1+1+1
2013 Arte AC/Tecnológico de Monterrey. Soporte Papel Premio
2013 Metropolitan Museum of Monterrey, Nuevo León. Mujeres Expo Tour
2013 Metropolitan Museum of Monterrey, Nuevo León. 1+1+1 Ayer y Hoy
2013 Gallery Arte Actual Mexicano, San Pedro Garza García. A La Prima
2011 Casa de la Cultura, Nuevo León. Reseña 2011
2011 Metropolitan Museum of Monterrey, Nuevo León. Mujeres Expo Tour
2009 Gallery Puerta Rosa, San Pedro Garza García. Instalación Dispersa
2009 Grupo Reforma, Nuevo León. Cuarta Muestra

Charity Exhibitions

2014 Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima, San Pedro G.G., 50 Artistas Un Impulso, 5th Edition
2013 Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima, San Pedro G.G, 50 Artistas Un Impulso 4th Edition
2013 Pabellón ALFA. Art Auction for Institute Andares A.B.P. (artistic boxes)
2012 IOS Offices, San Pedro Garza García, 50 Artistas Un Impulso, 3th Edition
2012 Museum of Mexican History, Nuevo León. El Andares de los Sueños (bicycles)
2011 Institute Nuevo Amanecer A.B.P., (Art Intervention with girl with brain paralysis)
2011 Centro Cultural Plaza Fátima, San Padro G.G. 50 Artistas Un Impulso, 2th Edition


2014 Owner & designer of Ana Kane® the brand
2013/15 Designer on Termovino (wine cooler) sold at Soriana, Mexican Supermarket
2014 Judge at ExpresArte, High school, Prepa TEC, Luis Elizondo Auditorium
2012 Teacher on Fashion illustration, Istituto di Moda Burgo by Lorens, Monterrey (2 years)
2009/12 Individual Painting teacher
2009 Internship at Jorge Elizondo´s art studio (sculptor) Monterrey


2012 Course by artist Ximena Subercaseaux Sommerhoff (Chilean) 2 years
2010 BA. Universidad de Monterrey, UDEM, Mex
2007 Summer program. Drawing & Painting: Parsons The New School of Design NYC
2006 Photography program. Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). Beijing, China. Teacher from the Universidad of Columbia, NYC